Saturday 13 August 2016

Sketch dump and life update!

That last one keeps getting longer and longer every time I open the file! "Oh wouldn't it be cool if there were more mob references? WHAT ABOUT MORE TENTACLES lets just move that up and voila more room for more characters" It'll be the death of me but It's going pretty well so far! I intend to animate the writing (placeholder font) so that it, and several aspects of the painting flicker/fade. 

Top two are yet more visuals for my Dragon Age pen and paper campaign, 3rd is a 20 minute warm-up for thumbnails and then of course at the bottom my old nerd guild wars feels.

Not much has changed since the last update, though I will be heading to Industry workshops next week and I am hella excited about that. I look forward to seeing all everyone from my MA course too, and to catch up with everyone while learning a lot! I will be in London for the week and I intend to be sketching a lot!

Also I started a new project, lowkey. I've been thinking about it since office days in Osaka and I'm gonna make a little oneshot Guild Wars 2 comic, about 10~ pages long, give or take a couple. I've written the script so far, and started thumbnailing out how I want the layout to go. Its pretty dang hard but I knew that going in. Thanks to this though, Im finally starting to get my head around clip studio paint! Another program to learn the quirks of! Hopefully next update I'll have something better than napkin scribbles and some cheesy lines in a .doc to show for it. (And also progress on the long painting)!

Sketchbook update as of July; Lots of people looking at me! So I drew their eyes :)

See you next time!

Sam Artist

Alumni of Aberystwyth and Teesside Univeristies, now fulltime member of the Belfast Printworkshop. One day hopes to travel around Japan!